
Knights Armament (KAC) 300 Meter Rear Sight Peep Aperture

Original price was: $191.05.

Current price is: $181.50.

Out of stock


KAC’s line of Micro Iron Sights are currently in use by the United States Army, Marine Corps and numerous law enforcement agencies worldwide. This is because they are built to exacting tolerances, maintain their zero under adverse conditions and, when folded, have one of the lowest profile top-rail footprints in the industry. Our simple and rugged 300 Meter Folding Micro Rear Sight is no exception. More economical than the adjustable 200-600 Meter Micro Rear Sight, the fixed post aperture of the 300 Meter Micro Rear Sight is ideal for shooters who want an easy to use, close to medium range back-up sighting solution. The 300 Meter Micro Rear Sight is adjustable for windage only, and includes a snap-in polymer aperture insert that gives the user a more precise sight picture if desired.


Material: Steel

Elevation Adjustable: Yes

Windage Adjustable: Yes

Zeroing Tips:

Place a target 25 meters down range and fire a 3 round group(s). Adjust the front sight post and rear sight windage knob until the desired point-of-aim/point-of-impact is achieved. If possible, place a target 300 meters down range and confirm zero.